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Donate Household Stuff 5

Hi guys i need help to donate Household Stuff , please contact interested volunteer .

About Us

Oz Mateship - AskHelp is a non profit platform for our Australians in need and Australian seeking to give back to the society.


Volunteers can make a difference in the life of fellow Australians in need. Volunteers can help in many ways such as


a.      Driving Extra mile for Kindness to pick and drop groceries, medicine or other

Any person in our community seeking some help to drive them to medical facility or any reasonable place. Volunteers may help them by pick and drop.

b.      Sheltering to Homeless Mate

Any person in our community seeking a shelter specifically a women or Domestic violence victim. Volunteers may help them by offering a bed in their spare room for a reasonable time.

c.      Call of Appreciation to Lonesome

Any person in our community feeling depressed or need a companion to talk. Volunteers may accept the request and give a call at a time of the mutual convenience.

d.      Donate Food , clothes and medicine

Any person in our community specially single mom , finding difficultly in buying food , clothes or medicines and request a help. Volunteers seeking to offer their help can directly help those in need.

e.      Donate Household Stuff

Any person in our community seeking some household stuff and send a online request of this website. Volunteers seeking to donate any household stuff in a reasonably good condition can help.


Volunteers may have different reasons for volunteers such as eternal satisfaction by giving back to society a bit of your own time/travel/attention/ household item etc. Some may like to hlp others, wanted to meet people in our community and make friends.


This plantform in non profit or doesn’t involve any kind of financial transaction. This is purely a platform for Australian helping their mate Australian. Any of our fellow Australians seeking help can post their request and hope that fellow Australian will come forward to your help.



Oz Mateship AskHelp  invites Volunteer to register on the site.


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Our volunteer Category

Sheltering to Homeless Mate

Any person in our community seeking a shelter specifically a women or Domestic violence victim. Volunteers may help them by offering a bed in their spare room for a reasonable time.

Call of Appreciation to Lonesome

Any person in our community feeling depressed or need a companion to talk. Volunteers may accept the request and give a call at a time of the mutual convenience.

Donate Food , clothes and medicine

Any person in our community specially single mom , finding difficultly in buying food , clothes or medicines and request a help. Volunteers seeking to offer their help can directly help those in need.

Donate Household Stuff

Any person in our community seeking some household stuff and send a online request of this website. Volunteers seeking to donate any household stuff in a reasonably good condition can help.

Contact us